Exercise 78

Craft a Python algorithm that furnishes a list of indices where the specified occurrence, 'occ', is located within the provided string, 's.' Importantly!, refrain from utilizing any built-in methods such as find(), rfind(), or index(). In case 'occ' is absent in 's,' the function should yield an empty list, [].
For instance: if 's' = "Python is an interpreted language. Python is open source. Python is easy to learn" and 'occ' is "Python," the algorithm should yield the list: [0, 35, 58].


def find_occurrences(s, occ):
    occurrences = []
    len_occ = len(occ)
    len_s = len(s)

    for i in range(len_s - len_occ + 1):
        if s[i:i+len_occ] == occ:

    return occurrences

# Example usage:
s = "Python is an interpreted language. Python is open source. Python is easy to learn"
occ = "Python"
result = find_occurrences(s, occ)
# output : [0, 35, 58]


Younes Derfoufi

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