python exercises with solutions python-courses python programming

Exercise 44

Write a python program which groups in a list all the words which begin with a capital letter in a given string s.
Example for s = "Python is a high level programming language. Originally developed by Guido van Rossum in 1989." The program should return the list:

["Python", "Originally", "Guido", "Rossum"]


s = "Python is a high level programming language. Originally developed by Guido van Rossum in 1989."
L = s.split()

# initializing the list all words which begin with a capital letter
word_capital = []
for word in L:
if word[0].isupper():

# disply result
print("The list of word bgining by capital letter is word_capital = " , word_capital)
#The output is:
# The list of word bgining by capital letter is word_capital = ['Python', 'Originally', 'Guido', 'Rossum']

Younes Derfoufi

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