0 - About Python Django Framework 

Django is an open source web development framework in Python. It aims to make web 2.0 development simple and fast. For this reason, the project has the slogan "The framework for perfectionists with deadlines. " Developed in 2003 for the local newspaper in Lawrence (Kansas), Django was released under the BSD license from July 2005. Several mainstream sites are now based on Django, including Pinterest3 and Instagram, Mozilla...

1 - Installation of Python 

As we have already mentioned, Django is a framework attached to the Python language, this means that it cannot work without it. For that you have to install the Python language:

Download the latest version of Python

2 - Django installation 

 Now that Python is installed and we are running a virtual environment, installing Django is a very easy operation, just type the following command in your cmd command prompt:

This will tell pip to install the latest version of Django 2.1 in your virtual environment. Your order output should look like this:

3 - Verification of the django installation 

To test the installation, start the Python interactive interpreter from your environment's command prompt and type python and press the enter keyboard key. If the installation was successful, you should be able to import the django module and type the command django.get_version():

In our case version 2.1.4 of django is installed! Younes Derfoufi CRMEF OUJDA

Younes Derfoufi

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