Verizon Wireless customers looking forward to buying new products – like the brand new Samsung Galaxy Note 7 – from the carrier’s retail stores in the coming weeks might be in for a treat, as the mobile operator is working on a new system designed to speed up transaction times in brick & mortar stores. The system is called FlexFlow and Verizon intends to make it available by the end of August.

According to David Small, EVP of wireless operations at Verizon, FlexFlow is expected to roll out “for all of our sales professionals at stores” sometime in the month of August. FlexFlow is a new system designed to make in-store transactions less time consuming, and does so by changing the way the store’s representatives will interact with customers. According to David Small, when a customer entered a Verizon store before FlexFlow, “historically it’s been ‘Let me pull up your account and let’s walk through the things we need to walk through.’ And in this FlexFlow environment [the process] becomes, ‘What exactly did you come in for?'” The store representative will jump straight to that section, and will either continue finalizing the transaction or will go back to further inquiries if needed. The process, according to David Small, can lead to “some pretty good transaction time reductions”. In addition to improving in-store transaction times through FlexFlow, David Small also added that Verizon has continued to work on improving its call center response, revealing that in the last year the mobile operator has dropped the average handle time by roughly 75 seconds year-on-year. Verizon achieved this by continuing to improve the hardware and by streamlining its IVR (automated interactive voice response) system. “These are not the most exciting things” according to David Small “but from a business fundamentals and from an efficiency point of view, and cost savings, that’s exactly what you need to do”.

Although FlexFlow is expected to rollout by the end of August, for what it’s worth it appears that the system may have been available to some Verizon employees for at least a couple of months – according to a Reddit user describing FlexFlow as “not bad” but still buggy. However, the original post dates back to two months ago, and it’s logical to assume that by the time FlexFlow will be officially implemented in stores by the end of August, most issues will be (or have already been) ironed out.

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