Solution Exercise 59: python program which determines the len of given string
Exercise 59 Write a python program as a function which take a string s as input and returns the length of a string s without using the len() method or…
Solution Exercise 58: python algorithm which replace all prentheses by brackets within given text
Exercise 58 Write a Python algorithm as a function which takes a string s as input and which returns another string obtained from s by replacing the possibly existing parentheses…
Solution Exercise 56: python algorithm to find the first index of given occurrence within a given string
Exercise 56 Write a python algorithm as a function which takes a tuple of two strings (s,s1) as input and returns the index of the first occurrence of the second…
Python Flask Framework
Content About Flask Framework Flask Advantages How To Install Flask Example of uses of Flask framework 1. About Flask Framework Flask is a web framework for building web applications in…
Solution Exercise 57: python algorithm which determines the number of an occurrence within a given string
Exercise 57 Write a python algorithm as a function which takes a tuple of string (s, s1) as input and which returns the number of the occurrences of s1 within…
Solution Exercise 55: Python algorithm to swap a given string without using the swapcase method
Exercise 55 Write a python program as a function which takes a string s as input and which returns a string obtained from the string s by transforming each uppercase…
Solution Exercise 54: python program that delete multiple spaces in string a given string
Exercise 54 Write a python algorithm as a function which takes string s as input and which returns an other string obtained from s by removing all the spaces charachters…