Solution Exercise 25: python algorithm to reverse a given string
Exercise 25 Write a Python algorithm that asks the user to enter a word and return the opposite. Example: if the user enters the word 'python', the program returns 'nohtyp'.
Solution Exercise 24: python program to check whether a word is palindrome or not
Exercise 24 A palindrome is a word whose order of letters remains the same whether it is read from left to right or from right to left. For example: 'laval',…
Solution Exercise 23: Python algorithm that extract the file extension
Exercise 23 Write a Python program that prompts the user to enter a file name, and then returns the extension of the file. Example if the user enters coursPython.pdf the…
Solution Exercise 22: python algorithm that extract the first word in given text
Exercise 22 Write a simple program in Python that returns the first word of a given text. Example for the text: T = 'Python is a wonderful programming language', the…
Solution Exercise 21: algorithm python that determines the number of vowels in given string
Exercise 21 Write a simple Python program that counts the number of vowels in a given string. Example: for the string s = 'anticonstitutionally' the program must return the following…
Solution Exercise 20: python algorithm to swap letters in given word
Exercise 20 Write a simple program in Python that exchanges the first and last characters of a given string
Solution Exercise 19: python algorithm to list all string in given list
Exercise 19 Write Python algorithm that lists the strings in the list l = ["laptop", "iphone", "tablet", "printer", "Ipad"] by indicating the length of each string.