Solution Exercise 8
Exercise 8 Write a program in Python that asks the user to enter an integer n and display the value of the sum 1 + 2 + ... + n…
Python Courses & Exercises with solutions !
Exercise 8 Write a program in Python that asks the user to enter an integer n and display the value of the sum 1 + 2 + ... + n…
Exercise 7 Write a program in Python that asks the user to enter 3 numbers x, y, and z and display their maximum. Solution # Ask to type a values…
Exercise 6 Write a program in Python language that asks the user to enter their age and display the message "You're Major!" If the age typed is greater than or…
Exercise 5 Write a program in Python language that asks the user to enter their integer number and to display it if this number is even or odd Solution: #…
Exercise 4 Write a program in Python language that displays the first 100 integers Solution: for i in range(0,101): print(i)""" this will display at execution the first 100 numbers :…
Exercise 3 Write a program in Python that asks the user to enter two numbers a and b and to display their maximum Solution: a = int(input("Type value of the…
Exercise 2 Write a program in Python that asks the user to enter two numbers a and b and display their sum: a + b. Solution a = input("Type value…