- Introduction to the Python language
- Install Python on your computer
- IDE Editor for Python
- First Python program
- Python Variables
- Python Comments
- Basic Operators in Python
- Python Functions
- The selective structure If else...
- For Loop Statement in Python
- Pass Instruction
- String Variable in Python
- Python Lists
- Python Tuples
- Python Dictionary
- Python Sets
- Python General Data Structure
- Python modules
- Introduction to Python Object-Oriented programming OOP
- Classes and Objects in Python OOP
- Python Inheritance
- Python Exception: Try Except
- The pip package manager
- Create your own module
- The OS Module
- The Python Platforme Module
- Web scraping BeautifulSoup Module
- The Pillow Image Module
- The Sys Module
- The configparser module
- The Virtualenv environnement
- Python Matplotlib module
- First Window with GUI Tkinter
- Tkinter Button Widget
- Tkinter Label Widget
- Tkinter Entry Input widget
- The Frame Tkinter Widget
- First PyQt5 App
- The QLabel PyQt5 Wideget
- The QPush Button Widget PyQt5
- QLineEdit Input Text In PyQt
- QGridLayout Manager In PyQt5
- Mini App Python PyQt5
- Image with PyQt - QPixmap Class
- Menu With QMenuBar PyQt5
- The QMainWindow PyQt5
- The QTableWidget PyQt5
- Introduction To Django Framework
- Install Django Framework
- First Django Project
- Django Administrator Interface
- Django App
- Django Models
- Django Template
- Django Model Form
- Django Static Files
- Django Upload Files
- Django Pagination
- Django Authentication System
- Django Generic Views & CRUD App
- Django Practice: Creating a blog
- Deploy a django app on Heroku
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