Solution Exercise 90 : repeated charcters at least twice in given a python string
Exercise 90 Create a Python program that identifies all characters appearing at least twice in a given string s. For instance, if the string is s = "Programming language", the…
Solution Exercise 89 : repeated charcters in given a python string
Exercise 89 Write a Python script that takes a string s as input and which returns the list of repeated charcters in the string s. Example: if s = "Programming…
Solution Exercise 88 : The first repeated word ipython string
Exercise 88 Write a Python script that takes as input a string s and which returns the first repeated word within the string s. Example: if s = "python programming…
Solution Exercise 87 : Finding the set of common characters of two strings
Exercise 87 Write a Python script which takes as input a tuple of two strings (s1, s2) and which returns the list of common characters to s1 and s2. Example:…
Solution Exercise 86 : algorithm python to transform a text into python set
Exercise 86 Write a Python script as fucntion which that takes a text T as input and returns the set of all the words that make up this text. Example…
Solution Exercicse 85 : Python set of all characters that make up a string s
Exercise 85 Write a python script that determines the set of all characters that make up a string s. Example if s = "Python language", the algorithm returns the set:…
The annual cost for implementing security labels on smart devices would be less than $5 million
The government has assigned a 10-year expenditure of $49.5 million for the establishment of a security labeling initiative for consumer-grade Internet of Things (IoT) devices, as outlined in its recently…